"The innovative Strum Perfect adaptation is exciting, offering the potential to revolutionize active music therapy for PD patients by enhancing their hand and wrist stabilization. As someone embedded in the field of neuropsychiatry and movement disorders, I firmly believe in the profound effects of interventions that can enhance both physical and emotional well-being. This project aligns seamlessly with my aspirations to integrate cutting-edge interventions in the treatment landscape."
-Dr. Ihtsham Ul Haq - Division Chief of Movement Disorders - University of Miami
"I think it's a no-brainer for anyone picking up a guitar, because there's so many complexities of learning. This takes one of them out of it...it forces your hand from the beginning stage so you don't pick up a bad habit going in."

"It really helps lose all the tension most beginners have when they start playing."
"I've been playing guitar for many years, and I thought, will it really help me? I already know how to strum...I think it adds a lot of value for somebody who's already been strumming for many years."